Buy or Sell IT Equipment

Whether you are buying or selling IT equipment, you’ll love our fast and courteous service, as well as our in-depth product expertise. We are a Green, Full Service Seller and Buyer of all brands and makes. Get top dollar for your surplus IT equipment such as Cisco switches, Juniper routers, EMC storage, HP servers and Dell storage devices and servers. Or Find affordable quality refurbished equipment for your IT needs. All equipment goes a rigorous vetting and cleansing process and comes with a guarantee.
Buy or Sell Test Equipment

We are a Full Service Buyer and Seller of test equipment and have years of experience and hundreds of satisfied customers. Some of the brands we handle are Fluke, Tektronix, Keysight (Agilent), Yokagawa, Anritsu, Keithley, Rohde & Schwarz, and Lecroy. Whether you are buying or selling test equipment, you can expect efficient and courteous service, rigorously tested equipment, and free shipping.
Hardware Maintenance

Would up to 40% reduction in downtime and 25-50% savings over your current OEM maintenance contract cost, be of interest to you? Our EventCare service is a world class replacement for your OEM services including Cisco Smart Net Total Care (formerly known as Cisco SMARTnet), Juniper JCare, Brocade Essential Support and F5. Our Third Party Maintenance (TPM) solution can also help you get more out of your older and EOL’ed assets. You’ll also love the guaranteed TAC response time, tier skipping and flexible SLAs available with EventCare.
Asset Recovery

If you have a large inventory of surplus IT and test equipment, trust Talented Technologies to recover for you the residual value. We handle all manufacturers and all makes. From servers to desktops to routers to phone systems, we’ll take it all off your hands. For large jobs we will come on site and take care of all the logistics, including recycling your E-waste responsibly. All you will have to do is cash the check.
E-Waste Recycling

For the units that you send us that have no residual value, we have green E-waste recycling programs to keep less than 3% of your equipment from entering landfills. Even if it can not be sold, in some cases the components in the unit can be reused as spares for existing deployed units or valuable materials such as copper, steel, aluminum, or plastics can be extracted for reuse. You can rest assured that none of your equipment will be shipped offshore to contribute to international waste.

At Talented Technologies, our goal is to to make your sale of your telecom, storage, networking, IT and test equipment easy and quick as well as offer you the best deal possible. We will take lease returns off your hands as well take equipment in trade. We have access to broker networks all over the global that we can market your equipment to if a consignment deal makes sense.